
Updated Collection Room

The collection room has been greatly updated as of app version 1.2.0.

A rank has been newly added to the collection room.
As your rank goes up, you can receive diamonds and other rewards.

Add to your collection and increase your rank!




■ How can I increase my rank?

Gain CP (Collection Points) by collecting wrestlers, partners, titles, and more.
After you've collected a set amount of CP, your rank will go up.


[Wrestler Collection]
Create a wrestler-related collection.

- Wrestlers
Gain CP from acquiring new wrestlers through recruitment, etc.

- Cast
Complete training for wrestlers in the dojo and add them to your cast,
or update your Total Rank to gain CP.

- Snapshots
Train wrestlers in the dojo and activate a new dojo event to gain CP.

[Partner Collection]
Create a partner-related collection.

- Partners
Gain CP from acquiring new partners through recruitment, etc.
*CP will not be acquired from Limit Breaks.

- Snapshots
Activate a new dojo event with your selected partner to gain CP.

[Other Collections]
Create collections aside from wrestlers and partners.

- Goods
Gain CP by collecting goods from rewards for clearing stages in Historical Matches.

- Titles
Gain CP by collecting titles from rewards for completing missions, etc.

Add to your collections to aim for a high rank.
Play in the dojo and complete missions to add to your collections.

Thank you for your continued support of New Japan Pro-Wrestling: Strong Spirits.