
The latest update of My Strongest Wrestler Ranking Event vol.2(GREAT-O-KHAN)

The latest update of My Strongest Wrestler Ranking Event vol.2 (New Japan Pro-Wrestling: Strong Spirit event) for "GREAT-O-KHAN" is here!

Ranking measurement will be the ranking data of those who have already entered this event and have selected "GREAT-O-KHAN".


*Updated 7/3 23:59 JST


[Total Power Ranking]





[Ranking Update Cautions]
*Data with a total rank of A or higher will be aggregated when training is completed.
*Update times may differ from the times listed.
*The final result is to be updated on 7/13 18:00 JST.
*User name at the time of the ranking will be used for being displayed on the ranking result.
*If the user name is considered inappropriate, such as containing (but not limited to) harmful names to other users, political message, sexual context, and any other inappropriate for public display will be changed to the default name "Player".


▼Total Power Ranking
*The wrestler with the highest total power that completed its training during the event period will be counted towards the ranking.
*The "Wrestler Total Power" will be the highest value obtained during the event period.
If there are multiple wrestlers with exact same Total Power, the wrestler that was created first will take priority in the ranking.
*Ranking will display the top 100 wrestlers for each wrestler category.
*The rankings will display the "Ranking (Placement)", "User ID", "User Name", "Wrestler Total Power", "Wrestler Total Rank" on the official website.


▼Special Ranking
* Up to the 50th place will be posted for each ranking.
*Wrestlers completed their training with Rank A or better will be counted towards the total number of times trained.
If the cumulative number of times is the same, the data that arrived earlier will be ranked higher.
*Use of boosts will not affect the ranking. The ranking will be based of number of time training has been completed.
*The rankings will display the "Ranking (Placement)", "User ID", "User Name" and "Number of times Wrestler Trained" on the official website.


▼The ranking progress will be updated on the official website at the following dates
Total Power Ranking:
6/29 21:00 JST
6/30 12:00, 21:00 JST
7/1 12:00, 21:00 JST
7/2 12:00, 21:00 JST
7/3 12:00, 21:00 JST


Special Ranking:
6/30 21:00 JST
7/1 21:00 JST
7/2 21:00 JST
7/3 21:00 JST


[To users not listed in the rankings]
- Have you already entered the event through the in-game notice? If not, you will not be eligible for this event.